State Option to Provide Health Homes for Medicaid Enrollees with Chronic Conditions

Federal Office: CMS

The health home provision authorized by the Affordable Care Act provides an opportunity to build a person-centered system of care that achieves improved outcomes for beneficiaries and better services and value for State Medicaid programs. This provision supports CMS’ overarching approach to improving health care through the simultaneous pursuit of three goals: improving the experience of care; improving the health of populations; and reducing per capita costs of health care (without any harm whatsoever to individuals, families, or communities).


States that apply for and receive a State Plan Amendment (SPA) to operate this pilot program will receive a 90% federal match (FMAP) for medical home services provided to beneficiaries through the pilot program.

States, if they choose this option.

Next Steps:

New York has begun the process of phasing in applications and implementation by county. The deadline for Phase I counties was Nov. 1, 2011. Phase I implementation was set to begin on Feb. 1, 2012.
Applications for Phase II counties are due by Feb. 15, 2012. Phase II implementation is tentatively scheduled for April 1, 2012.
Applications for Phase III counties are due by April 21, 2012. Implementation is tentatively scheduled for April 21, 2012.

CMS chose Missouri's SPA, and Missouri began implementation on Jan. 1, 2012.

For more information on the State Option to Provide Health Homes for Medicaid Enrolless with Chronic Conditions, visit or or
