Check Out What NAPH Members Are Saying...

With input from members, we can ensure that NAPH continues to be valuable for public hospitals nationwide. This video highlights first-hand testimonials from hospital leadership about NAPH's value-added membership. Learn more about our organization and what we provide!

The Value of NAPH:

"The beauty of membership in NAPH is in the networking opportunities with peers who share similar missions, cultures and institutional challenges."

- John W. Bluford III, President and CEO
  Truman Medical Centers, Kansas City, MO
"We are a member of NAPH specifically because of the focus of the organization on the challenges of public teaching hospitals, particularly those who care for the underserved."

- Johnese Spisso, Clinical Operations Officer and Vice President of Medical Affairs
University of Washington Medical Center

Resources for this section

  • NAPH - Mission Driven and Ready To Serve

    The mission of NAPH is to provide national, regional and local advocacy on behalf of public and other hospitals and health systems, conduct research and analysis, and provide a host of related services needed by our members.
