The Current and Future of UHC's Data, and How Essential Hospitals Compare - Webinar


Wednesday, Aug. 21
2–3 PM ET

Please register to receive dial-in and webinar access information from [email protected]. You will need both a computer with a viable internet connection and a phone line to access the visual and audio components of this webinar.

The current portfolio of UHC data will be presented highlighting engagement and results for members of America’s Essential Hospitals, formerly the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems. UHC is in the send year of a five-year strategic plan for data. The tactics within this plan will be described, including UHC’s efforts to integrate data streams, automate the intake of data, improve the look and feel of template reports, and enhance the analytic support. The goal of UHC in this area is to be our members’ sole source of comparative data, and we are confident that can be accomplished as the industry moves towards bundling care and population health. UHC membership and subscription to the data products are open to all members of America’s Essential Hospitals. This presentation is open to all members of America’s Essential Hospitals, whether they are current members of UHC or not.

Steve Meurer, PhD, MBA, MHS
Senior Vice President, Comparative Data and Informatics

Suggested Participants: UHC members, medical data analysts, medical researchers

Contact Info:
Suggestions, questions, or comments?
Please contact:
Alana Mallory at 202.585.0563

Registration instructions

JulyAugust 2013September