It’s all about choices – and FMAP lost, for this round

In today’s Washington Post, there was an interesting opinion piece by Steven Pearlstein titled, "Blue Dogs took up the fight for doctors' pay as poor lose health coverage," that makes the pointed observation that concern about deficit spending only goes so far. In a nod to conservatives concerned about the deficit, congressional leadership made the choice to keep the physician fee schedule fix in the tax extenders bill and to toss out the extensions of relief to state Medicaid programs for the poor and of assistance paying for COBRA subsidies for the unemployed. The current recession is far from over in many states around the country – and those hardest hit, the unemployed and the poor, are still suffering. We need to remind a Congress that just passed health care reform legislation that the ground on which it is built is shifting due to the recession. It will all be for naught without fiscal relief for the current Medicaid program. We need to redouble our efforts for Medicaid relief now!

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