America's Doc Sets Bold Agenda

Last week, I had the distinct honor and privilege to meet and chat—albeit briefly—with U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin after her very heartfelt presentation at the annual Health Academy Conference of the Public Relations Society of America.

To briefly recap her presentation, what struck me most was her sincerity and authenticity. For many years, she was a family doctor, practicing in rural Bayou La Batre, Alabama (population roughly 2,700 in 2005). Dr. Benjamin shared touching stories of caring for patients in this small fishing village that offered a glimpse into why “America’s Doc” is so passionate about transforming our current health care delivery system from a “sick care model to one focused on prevention and wellness,” as she so enthusiastically proclaimed.

Benjamin said that she has, “opened a practice in DC to communicate health and wellness to all Americans.” First up to bat—obesity. Benjamin is calling out obesity as a public health issue, and in particular wants to start by solving the problem of childhood obesity within one generation.

According to Benjamin, prevention and wellness is the key—there is no pill, there is no quick fix; requiring a complete transformation in how we think. “A prescription pad cannot solve this problem.”

Other targets for Benjamin: tobacco use/smoking cessation, HIV/AIDS, violence, mental health and substance abuse, medication adherence and reducing health disparities. Ambitious agenda to say the least, but something tells me, not too tall an order for this doc. Just read her bio, she accomplished more before the age of 40 than many in their entire careers!

Now, back to that sidebar chat…

I would be remiss if I had not taken the opportunity to mention to Dr. Benjamin all of the innovative programs that safety net hospitals and health systems have currently underway in each of the priority areas she identified. I let her know that we stand ready to be true partners with her as she looks for real world, best practice models that can be reported on and emulated nationwide. From the University of Kansas Medical Center’s “Healthy Hawks” adolescent obesity program, San Francisco General Hospital’s Wraparound Project to Hurley Medical Center’s VIP: Violence/Trauma Intervention Program. I only had her ear for just a moment, but these few examples of obesity, substance abuse/mental health and violence prevention efforts being spearheaded at safety net hospitals seem to be just what the doctor ordered – and we know all know, there’s plenty more! Got an innovative program that you’d like to share with Surgeon General? Feel free to send it my way! What do you think of her agenda?

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