
NAPH is happy to host and advertise job postings for member hospitals and our partner organizations. With respect to these advertisements, NAPH acts solely as a publisher - the member organizations submitting job openings are solely responsible for the content of their advertisements.

DISCLAIMER: NAPH does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of any advertisements submitted by member organizations. NAPH has no control over the quality, safety or legality of the advertisements, the ability of employers to offer job opportunities to applicants or the ability of applicants to fill job openings. NAPH is not involved in the actual hiring practices or processes between employers and applicants. Accordingly, NAPH is neither an employer nor an employment agency with respect to use of this page by outside organizations and shall not be responsible for the hiring practices or policies of any organization advertising on this site or for any employment decisions made by a member organization.
