Medicaid Overview - Advocacy

Medicaid, a federal-state partnership program, provides health care coverage to more than 50 million people – mainly children, women and the disabled – across the country. Medicaid beneficiaries make up more than a quarter of the outpatient visits and more than a third of discharges at members of America's Essential Hospitals. This is in addition to the more than 30 percent of our ambulatory care patients and nearly 20 percent of our inpatients who are uninsured. Yet, Medicaid is facing multiple legislative threats in the 112th Congress. Lawmakers are considering legislation that would allow states to substantially reduce eligibility, potentially endangering coverage for millions of beneficiaries. In addition, the House fiscal year 2012 budget resolution calls for a fundamental reorganization of the program, paired with unprecedented cuts to federal Medicaid spending totaling more than $750 billion across 10 years. While Medicaid costs have grown in recent years – largely due to the economic downturn – America's Essential Hospitals is dedicated to protecting access to care for Medicaid-covered patients, while working with federal policymakers to make the program more efficient in the future.

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  • Medicaid

    Medicaid, a federal-state partnership program, provides health care coverage to more than 50 million people – mainly children, women and the disabled – across the country. Medicaid beneficiaries make up more than one-third of the discharges and more than one-fourth of the outpatient visits at members of America's Essential Hospitals. This is in addition to the more than 30 percent of our ambulatory care patients and nearly 20 percent of our inpatients who are uninsured.

    States are currently determining whether or not to expand their Medicaid programs mandated by the Affordable Care Act but made voluntary by the landmark Supreme Court Ruling in 2012. During this pivotal time for Medicaid, America's Essential Hospitals and its members support increased coverage to vulnerable Americans, and the association will continue to advocate on behalf of Medicaid-covered patients and work with federal policy makers to improve the program.

  • Congress Must Retain State Flexibility in Funding Medicaid (October 2012)

    America's Essential Hospitals and its members urge Congress to recognize that cutting provider taxes shifts costs onto states, which they cannot afford. Cuts in provider taxes do not increase efficiency or performance - they only succeed in shifting costs and negatively impacting Medicaid beneficiaries.

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